Sunday, February 1, 2009

What a small world!

Recently, Dilah called me... It had been a while since I last catch up with her. She called me coz she has some problems to confide in. After chatting for a while, she spoke of her bf... When I heard that, I got ecstatic, she got attached! Even better, she's getting engaged this coming Mar. I can still remember the time when we actually brag to each other on whether we can find the perfect match, y life had to be so hard for us, yada, yada, yada... And now, all turns out to be fine for us. So, we agreed to meet up and we will bring our bf along.

I told Said about Dilah and he told me that he knows Dilah in person, not juz as an artist. I didn't tell Dilah anything about Said though. 

The meeting was at Changi Airport. Said and I came separately coz Said was from work while I was from home. I met Dilah first and when Said came later, I was juz smiling at Said's direction. Dilah commented, "Wah, happynye dia... He looks familiar...' I told Dilah, "Said..." Instead of me going over to Said, Dilah got excited and she went over to Said first. They knew each other when they were in sec sch. What a small world after all... It felt a lil weird though. Considering on how I knew Dilah in the first place. Hmmm... 

Anyways, I can see how happy Dilah is with her soon-to-be fiance. As a friend, I pun tumpang gembira. Hope she'll able to settle her problems soon and put her past behind her. Time2MoveOn...

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